Cash Donations…
Please consider sending a tax deductible contribution to ALI at 10649 High Beam Court, Columbia, MD 21044. You may also donate using PayPal. For more information about ALI you can reach us at (410) 997-9499.

Vehicle Donations…
Avoid the hassle of selling your vehicle on your own. Get a tax donation versus the small amount a dealer gives you on a trade in. Adaptive Living Inc., accepts any vehicle in any condition. If you have a car, truck, motorcycle, boat, trailer, etc., call us today to have it hauled away for free.

We are a local nonprofit organization working to make our community a better place to live and work for the unique adults. Tell your family and friends that if they have a vehicle to donate, you know of an organization here at home trying to make a difference. To donate call (443) 900-2216 or email